Verify Your Account Instagram Recaptcha



Here is our take on solving Instagram verification loop. Instagram login loop occurs when you keep confirming it was me on Instagram’s app or website, and still cant access your account on our tool or any other service that deal with Instagram API, or might even happen when you want to login to your app normally. We believe that the Instagram security code loop is just a silly solution to prevent users from using any Instagram like bot, or happens when an account is being used from its original home country IP and suddenly trying to access from another country ( different IP in a far location).

Recaptcha requires verification. The initial state, reCAPTCHA verification is required to proceed on this website. Click the checkbox to get a verification challenge. Opening verification. You have to go to on Safari (probably only using a Mac) and verify the CAPTCHA there. Hope this helps! Sent from my iPhone- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'reCAPTCHA' group. EVERYTIME I TRY TO VERIFY MY ACCOUNT ON INSTAGRAM, IT SAYS THAT THE CAPTCHA IS WRONG.

Instagram help us confirm you own this account error loop

Recently (October 2019) a lot of users has been facing the following error from Instagram “help us confirm you own this account” . Please mention what caused the issue for you down in the comments so we include it in this guide. Now for the possible solution, do the following:

1- make sure you are using the same phone you were using your account from before.


Check who your partner chats with; Instagram has become a platform to show off all your luxury, beauty, and talent. Partners can easily get attracted to someone else on Instagram. You will never know with whom your partner is flirting on Instagram. If you want to know this, you need to hack their account. Check their activities. We don’t save reCaptcha results. If you are presented with Email or SMS verification, we only save a cryptographic hash of your email or phone number which is not permanently associated with the account that you create. Because hash functions are one way functions, it is impossible to derive your phone number or email from that hash. Buster is a Chrome extension which authenticates reCAPTCHA for you. The extension is really simple and effective, you go to a website and click the reCAPTCHA button. IT would load a popup window and give you images to select. Buster adds a button to that popup which you.

2- Type in your Instagram username or Login email in the box and then click “need more help” .

3- You will receive a login link in your email address, make sure to check the “Social” email tab if you use Gmail.

4- If you use the desktop version of Instagram, follow same instructions above, notice below you will receive a notification saying “Thanks! Please check emai*******[email protected] for a link to reset your password.”

5- If you have no luck, or you aren’t receiving the login email link, try to contact Instagram with the “My account was hacked” option. If they answer, they might request some info. about your account activity, then might send you a link to log in to your account.

6- Also you can try to install the latest apk version of Instagram if your version cant be updated for some reason, if that doesn’t work, maybe you need to download older versions of the app, try to download older version by googling “Instagram android apk”. iOS users might not be able to do this.

How to fix verification loop when you use an automation website (when adding an account)

Ideally, this could be solved easily by using an Instagram login proxy address matching the location, which might be almost impossible because finding a proxy that match your home city isn’t an option at most times. so what do you do?

1- Disable Two-Factor Authentication on your account from Instagram app


two-factor authentication add a layer of security to your account, Instagram help us confirm you own this account by sending a code to you to enter when you attempt to add the account, it is what causes the Instagram phone verification loop to appear

note: You may enable it after adding the account, until you need to re-add it.

2- Disable Instagram account temporarily

Login to from your browser, head to “edit profile” , and at the bottom right click “temporary disable my account” , make sure you aren’t logged in anywhere else on that account for at least 3-4 hours.

note: disabling your account wont damage it, just make sure you don’t keep the account disabled for more than a month.

3- Add your Instagram account using a proxy from your country

Attempt to add your account with an IP from your country, or at least close to it if not possible. This will enable your account again and it should count he new IP as the home IP and avoid Instagram verification loop.

4- Use high quality proxies.

If our Instagram security code loop solution is still not working, then you might be using bad proxies. Not all proxies are ideal to use. you need to look for an IPv4 private proxy, Instagram login proxy should be used only once per account, if you cant find a proxy from the same country you are in then its a safe bet to purchase one from UK or USA. We suggest you pay an average of $2 per US proxy. A less than $1 per proxy is questionable, and any proxy provider charging more than $3 is too expensive, unless you are accessing from a country without many proxy providers. if you see proxies around the $0.50 price point then be sure its an IPv6 or a shared IPv4 which are both so bad to use.

5- Make sure to warm up the account

New accounts will most likely face issues, make sure you use the account for few days on our phone, post few pictures, get some number of followers , and also it helps to add the account to a Facebook page. After a week of using it normally you may disable it and add it to our service. Start with slow speed settings and then increase every week.

6- Watch our video guide on Instagram checkpoint required loop

Get Recaptcha Site Key

This video is for adding an account to an Instagram bot service.


Verify Recaptcha Response

My name is Nic, I grew a passion for tech and the internet since i was little. I followed my interest over the years to end up as an IT Engineer for 8 years. Now i am a freelancer, i am a social media and online marketing expert, i run a few websites since 6 years, and i enjoy writing content for them and watch the numbers grow.