Poker Grinding Tips


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Grinding out a profit in the micro stakes is not nearly as easy as it might seem. While beating the smallest online poker games used to be a cake walk, today it will take a lot of time and practice. Many micro stakes players are among the most consistent and biggest winners in the online poker world today. It is very hard to compete with players who have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of hands worth of experience.

Think about how many hands you get in per hour when playing one table, online or live. If you are lucky, you might get 90-100 hands in per hour when playing online, depending on whether you are playing full ring or 6-max tables. In live games, 30 hands per hour is the most you could ever hope for. Now, compare those numbers to a 12 tabling player who plays for 8 hours per day. At that rate, this player would have roughly 9,000 hands played every single day. Of course, few people have this exact work ethic, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities when it comes to the micro stakes.

What It Takes


Micro stakes poker takes a few different skills and attributes if you want to be successful. First, you will need to have an ample bankroll. While the variance is not going to be nearly as dramatic in these games as it is in small stakes or higher games, you will run into the occasional 10+ buy-in swing. For this reason, you should always be playing with roughly 30 or so buy-ins. If you are playing 25NL, the number of ideal buy-ins is not as high as it would be if you were playing 100NL. The higher limit the game, the more variance you should be prepared for.

-Emotional Control

Video poker tipsWithout

Bankrolls are hardly the only thing needed for success in micro stakes poker. You will also need an awful lot of emotional control at the tables. Most poker strategy books and guides neglect to teach perhaps the most important skill that any player could have, a tilt-free approach to the game. No one is perfect, and everyone tilts a little bit from time to time, but it is vital that your emotions are kept in check. If you are playing six tables at a time, blowing off three buy-ins due to tilt can be a lot easier than it might seem. Players who are on tilt tend to forget everything they learned, like this very article, though, so this is something that is best accomplished through practice and implementation.

-Multi-Tabling Skills

The ability to multi-table and multi-task should never be understated for micro stakes players. There just isn’t any good money to be made playing one or two tables at a time in the micro stakes games. Even the biggest winners at 100NL (the highest micro stakes limit) would be lucky to win $15/hour playing two tables of 6-max at a time. It can be a difficult transition, especially for new online players, to learn how to play four, six, or ten tables at a time. The fact of the matter is, however, that all serious micro stakes players have a solid skill set when it comes to multi-tabling. This isn’t to say that you need to play 20 tables at a time, but being able to 8 or 10 table would certainly be beneficial.

-Poker Tracking Software

HUDs and other poker tracking software are an absolute must for multi-tabling, serious micro stakes players. A HUD (heads up display) will be a tremendous benefit when you are trying to concentrate on a number of different decisions at once. Instead of forming your own reads on opponents, a HUD will allow you to have a quick summary available for anyone you face. It will be much easier to shove all in pre-flop with pocket queens if you know that the original raiser plays 90% of their hands. Now, imagine if you had no information on that same player; you would have to decide whether queens are ever ahead. Some old school players feel that software and HUDs are nothing more than cheating, but that makes no sense since most poker rooms are perfectly OK with it.

Aside from allowing you to make more precise reads at the table, poker software like PokerTracker also provides in-depth statistics on your own play. You can easily analyze all of the hands that you played in your last session, no matter how big or small. Beyond this, poker software can tell you how often you raise, what hands you win with, if you fold to re-raises too frequently, and much more. Plus, who doesn’t like to see a graph of their winnings? For an investment of $100 or less, any micro stakes player would be making a big mistake if they played without some sort of software.

-Work Ethic

Last but not least is the need for a sound work ethic. If you want to beat the micro stakes for any significant amount of money, you will need to put in a whole lot of work. People who don’t know poker tend to scoff at the idea of poker being a lot of work, but it certainly is. Today there are infinite resources available for players who want to improve their game. From books to training sites, there is something out there for players of all skill levels and all limits.

Books are the most outdated method of learning how to play winning online poker. The flaw with most books is that they are old and generally teach concepts that are quite basic. Books would have been a great way to aptly learn the game back in 2002, but the competition is way beyond that at this point in time. There are a select number of books that concentrate on winning online play and teach more modern concepts, but they are far and few between. Be sure to read a number of up to date reviews before you lean on any written book as your poker bible (especially if Hellmuth wrote it!).

Online resources are the best way to improve your skill set for tough micro stakes games. There are innumerable online sites with strategy guides of varying quality, but the video training sites have taken over in popularity. There are a handful of different poker training sites that offer video tutorials for aspiring players. These videos consist of a winning player recording their play and relaying it to the viewers. The players record themselves during play, explain their thought processes, and viewers soak in the information. As was the case with books, you should carefully analyze who is making the video and whether they are a reliable source of information.

Going hand in hand with poker training videos are poker coaches. Coaches are people who will watch you play over the internet (known as sweating) and offer their input and advice as you play. These coaches vary in quality and rates, but some can be had for very affordable rates. Shop around at the video training sites for your choice of coach if this seems like an attractive way to learn the game for you. It is not for everyone, and it could be costly, but many people have transitioned from losing or break even players into big winners with the help of a solid coach.

A poker party is about to start all over the world. Assuming things don’t somehow change with a variant of COVID that easily infects people who are vaccinated, people are going to be flocking to the poker tables in the very near future. Many people here in Las Vegas already are taking part in them.

I played a $2,500 buy-in at the Venetian last week that had almost 300 entries. That’s a pretty big number for the Venetian this time of year, even if we weren’t under partial lockdown. The night before I stopped by Caesars to see what the poker room looked like and it was full; not a single open seat.

Let me preface all this by saying that I have been vaccinated and I’m still careful. It is not my advice that you should risk your life to play poker. If you are in a high risk group and haven’t been vaccinated, don’t do it. I went an entire year without playing live poker for that very reason. But once you deem it safe for you to play, be ready, because the party is already starting.

So many times I have lamented with my online poker friends from back in the early days that we didn’t take enough advantage of the amazing games when we had a chance. Sure, I made good money, but with better study habits and grinding more hours I would have been retired by 35. I won’t make that mistake again. What’s coming is sure to be sweet bonanza!

I was playing in a little poker room in Wisconsin the day Osama Bin Laden was killed. The games had been pretty boring, filled with older regs, until the announcement. The floor guy turned up the sound and played it for us and everyone cheered and ordered rounds of drinks and the games went crazy. They went from boring and tight to absolutely maniacal. I think I was up $70 in three hours, and I made $600 in the next three hours. When people are celebrating, the games are great.

And many former pros found other things to do during the lockdown. The number of pros in the tournament, and at the cash games, was much lower than usual. Here in Vegas I expect a real resurgence of live poker, with more recreational players coming to Vegas to party and have a good time, and fewer pros in headphones silently grinding out a living.

Your area will likely be the same. We saw it last year with online poker, the games getting better and win rates increasing because live poker rooms were closed, but that will be nothing like what we are about to see in brick and mortar casinos.

Poker Grinding Tips Tricks

That means you’ll need to be prepared for wild games. You’ll take more bad beats and your bluffs won’t work as well. You’ll probably deal with more drunks. The dealers and floor people who haven’t worked in a year may be rusty and may make more mistakes than usual. But if you can handle these things, there is going to be a lot of money to be made. Here are seven tips for how to maximize your potential win.


7 Tips for Beating Wild Games and Bad Players

1. Have the Right Mindset

When dealing with a party atmosphere, it helps to start with the right mindset. You aren’t there to test your skills against other strong players. You are there to make money and take advantage of other players’ mistakes. Be ready for big swings. Expect them. And if you are rattled by them and playing badly, go home. The games will be good again tomorrow.

Poker Grinding Tips

2. Know Your Opponents


When a player who is having a good time and socializing gives you real indicator that you are beat, believe them. You can tell the jerks from the players who are just there to have a good time. Ignore the things the jerk says, but believe the people who are having fun; they will almost never lie to you either with their big bets or their actual words. I’ve saved a lot of money in my life by folding when a recreational player tells me something like “You can fold, I have it.”

3. Don’t Tilt

If you are easily tilted by bad players and bad beats, you’ll need to deal with that problem because it will be harder to control now than it has been in at least five years. I highly recommend Dr. Alan Schoonmaker‘s books as well as his coaching. Nobody knows more about poker psychology than Dr. Al.

4. Bad Player ≠ Bad Hand

Don’t fall into the trap that bad player = bad hand. Bad players get good hands just as often as you do. Sure, their average starting hand may be far below yours, but you can’t assume they have nothing when they four-bet you preflop, or raise you all-in on the turn, just because they’re loose preflop. If you do this, they will lose money on their bad hands against you, and win it all back on their good hands when you don’t believe them.

Video Poker Tips

5. Charge Your Opponents

It’s also important not to offer a loose player huge implied odds. If they are seeing flops cheap with garbage hands, then winning huge pots whenever they hit, they will actually win money from you. Control this by making bigger raises and three-bets preflop, and not handing them your whole stack when they outflop you.

I see this mistake constantly, usually followed by the tight player holding a long funeral for their hand and complaining about how the “bad” player had nothing preflop and got lucky. Yeah, they did get lucky. By finding a player who would pay them off whenever they flop a big hand with their garbage. That is very lucky indeed because without it they would lose money very quickly.

6. Preflop Play Isn’t Everything

Remember that preflop play isn’t everything, and those loose players see a lot more flops than you do. They are used to seeing flops against tight players and even if they aren’t very good, they may be playing pretty well after the flop simply because they’ve had so much practice and it’s easy to put a tight player on a hand and outplay them. If you combine this with tight players who offer them great implied odds and always assume they have a bad hand, it can be very profitable for them to play junk hands preflop.

Poker Grinding Tips

7. Choose Your Stakes Wisely

Poker Grinding Tips Videos

Don’t move up because “I can’t beat a game where they never fold.” If you feel this way, I have some bad news and some good advice for you. The bad news is that you are very wrong. If you can’t beat a $1/2 game, the better players in the $2/5 game are going to eat you alive. When I play $2/5, my very favorite target isn’t the wild drunk or the newbie who is just getting started. It’s you. The guy who thinks the game will be easier when people can fold a hand. They guy who can’t beat a $1/2 game full of recreational players.

Poker Grinding Tips For Beginners

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard some pro at a $2/5 table tell a recreational player something like “Yeah, you can’t beat those games, you have to come play the $2/5 with us, it’s way better.” They aren’t inviting the losing player up to a game where they can be a winner. No pro invites someone to a game because they want more strong winning players at their table. They are perpetuating the idea that bigger games can be easier to beat. The only time this is true is when you get to really big games where most pros can’t afford to buy in. And even then the games are usually very tough.


Online Poker Tips

Do some studying and get ready! Sign up to a poker training site, and brush up on your skills. The party is starting and a year or two from now it will probably be over and we’ll be back to the grind. When you are sure that it’s safe for you, get back in the game and start scooping up that cash because there is going to be a bunch of it and you don’t want to miss out.

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